From Frances

Created by Frances 5 months ago

I knew Amanda all my life; the Tittle family were an extension of our own and I have many happy memories of Amanda.

As young children, the two sets of sisters played together, inventing lots of games, often led by Amanda and Catherine who dragged the reprobate younger siblings into shape. I loved going to their home and often Shirley had lovely, fun activities lined up for us. I loved also going to The Forum where we played in the creche with Aunt Sandra. My childhood with Amanda and Deb was of fun and laughter, magical times.

When the family moved to Hemel, I always really looked forward to their visits to Nanny Lumsden's who lived close by.  We also went to visit them and had our first extremely exciting visit to London, when we visited the Tower of London, Madame Tussauds, ate a burger in the first McDonalds and then saw Bugsy Malone at a cinema in Baker Street, close to Roy's office. The bestest day!

A few years later I went with the family on a canal boat holiday on the Oxfordshire canals. Amanda's boyfriend also came with us, I think he was called Lee. I was very impressed as he had an earring and liked Jilted John. We had great fun opening the locks. Roy was skipper of the boat, and I had my first Chinese takeaway. I remember I accidentally broke a window on the boat. But as always, Amanda was there keeping us in line and giving kind, firm instructions!

Amanda often came with her mum when she came North and visited us in Stockton. She memorably came to us after she became ill, having navigated herself across north London to King's Cross and then eventually to Darlington. A taxi driver brought her to our house. Amazing courage to embark on such a journey!

We had great fun with Amanda, all of us staying with her at her home in Winchmore Hill. A show my neice Hannah had been involved with was on the Riverside studios in Hammersmith and we all went and had a great time. On the way back, Amanda persuaded the bus driver to drop us off, practically at the door. Charming, persuasive and determined as always.

Amanda was an amazing person. Very strong, successful, down to earth. She was also extremely kind, finding ways to bring the best out of people and making them feel good about themselves. 

Amanda will be very much missed and I will always remember her with love and affection. Frances Porritt xxx